The Jewish Federation of Omaha is excited to share the beginning of a new annual initiative we are calling Tapestry: A Celebration of Jewish Learning.  This year, Tapestry will take place Friday, May 31st – Sunday, June 9th and will feature guest scholar, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

Tapestry is an investment into strengthening our Omaha community’s Jewish literacy. Each year, The Jewish Federation of Omaha will bring a Jewish scholar to Omaha to collaborate with our congregations, JFO agencies, and partner organizations. Each host organization/agency will customize their own program during this ten-day period of learning. Host organizations/agencies will determine topic, mode of preferred learning experience, and setting that best serves the age group and interests of their participants. This year Rabbi Telushkin will engage in a variety of sessions, in a variety of formats, determined by our host organizations/agencies.


  • Jewish Federation of Omaha
  • Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation: Herbert Goldsten Scholarship Fund,
    Ann Goldstein Education Programming Endowment Fund, and Klutznick Fund
  • Accommodations provided by Chabad of Nebraska

Our time with Rabbi Telushkin will culminate with a community-wide program hosted by The Jewish Federation of Omaha

Conclusion to Tapestry
Sunday, June 9th | 2:00-4:00 pm

Shirley and Leonard Goldstein Community Engagement Venue
333 S. 132nd Street  |  Omaha, NE


Thank you to the following host organizations!